Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Writing is such a powerful tool. A special friend of mine inspired this blog entry.

It has been a few months since I've posted, and for good reason (in my opinion). There are those times where life becomes so overwhelming that you may find yourself consumed by it, instead of living it. Although I know that I really need to blog, for some reason I am feeling so reluctant. I think it's a matter of the heart vs. the mind - sometimes a never-ending battle. My heart wants to pour onto the pages as my cup is overflowing with the issues of life -- no hesitation, no edits, no revisions. But my mind tells me to be fully aware of what others may think or feel, and only share what's on the surface. Let's be real, would the world really be ready for what's beneath the surface?! Rhetorical, but I think not. We are living in a world where it's publicly frowned upon to be transparent and authentic. Yet privately there's only sighs of relief and thoughts of "wow, someone else understands." Overall, I believe William Shakespeare said it best, "To Thine Ownself Be True." Yes indeed, Sir!

Random thought - It's amazing to me how someone can be sitting right next to you and be screaming inside, possibly fighting for their life...and you have no clue what's going on. Naturally, no one is a mind reader. But I guess what amazes me the most is how true the old cliche' is, "you can be in the middle of a crowd, surrounded by thousands of people, and still feel completely alone." Oh I'm sure that's NEVER been you. I will be honest & admit, sometimes, that has been me. Ironically, one of the busiest places, TimeSquare in NYC, is my favorite place to go and just think. Clear my thoughts. I don't know how it's possible being surrounded by so many people non-stop, but I've had  special connection there since I was a teenager. Despite the noise, which turns into a bunch of static or jibberish after a while. That's just one place of many.

Ok, here's a confession - growing up as an only child, I used to be terrified of being alone with my thoughts. Not anymore. I welcome it. It's so imperative. My thoughts have become my mirror. If you search within you will always see yourself, voluntarily or involuntarily. Whether good or bad, positive or negative. No matter what, you can never escape yourself. That's a fact. Wherever you go, YOU wiill always be there. In my humble opinion, a mirror is your golden ticket to self-discovery. Dig deeper, really understand what I'm saying. I'm not talking about the outter appearance. I'm referring to the core, the REAL you. The you that no one or most people don't know about. And probablly never will. I am inclined to be a better me than the me I see. You should be too! Just some food for thought. It's my sincere desire that I've articulated my thoughts in such a way that makes you go "hmmmm" and add action to it. Relax! Relate! Release!

Until Next Time...
Much Love! ~Purpos3