Monday, February 28, 2011


I'd like to begin with a quote that serves as a daily inspiration to me, "If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." ~Toni Morrison

In honor of this last day of Black History Month, I'm encouraged to break through barriers. More often than not I find myself entangled in the snares of life. On one hand that may sound kind of vague, but it really does articulate the way I feel. The purpose of a 'snare' is to entangle or entrap the unaware. So it's basically a trap, a device designed to capture you. Personally, I'm speaking of it as a metaphor. However, when I consider the hard times conquered by my heritage, it's certainly more literal than not. I'm a little hesitant to expound in this degree, but I'm going to follow my heart. A snare is also another name for a noose. Now if you don't know what this is, shame on, just kidding! Seriously though, our ancestors were hung and their lives were sacrificed (involuntarily) because they were entangled, trapped, and even endangered. Unfortunately, it was absolutely inevitable during that time. They had to endure the endless torture of life being literally choked out of them by this noose, whereas today, we allow the snares that we encounter to practically squeeze the life out of us. So much so that we become accustom to turmoil, we cope with suffering, we submit to what we permit. And that's not okay.

Why do we tolerate it? Our ancestors didn't, even if it was at the expense of sacrificing their last breath on this earth. As I write, I'm looking inward. The shoe fits perfectly! So it's not just me, it's not only you...ALL of us are guilty of this at one point or several times. I'd like to dispute the downfalls and overcome the obstacles. I am convinced that I am capable of breaking through the barriers, if for no other reason that I'M STILL HERE!!! My purpose has not yet been fulfilled to its fullest capacity. A barrier is just a barricade, but I am more than a conqueror. If it's toooooo easy, I should almost be insulted. When it comes my way, it's because I am designed to defeat it and of course, learn from it. The challenge isn't impossible, so break through your barriers. 

With Love & Respect,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Propelled By Passion

L.O.V.E. is the traditional, universal message for today = Valentine's Day!

I woke up this morning with *passion* on my heart. No, not necessarily in a sexual sense. I'd say my thoughts are more so concerning what I am most passionate about in life - what I'm driven by, what sets things in motion, what launches my creativity, etc... And in my usual reflective 'element', I have concluded that sometimes you have to take a glance at your past to propel you into your future. The majority of the time when I look back, the main thing that pushes me forward is my passion. I am very passionate about several things, undeniably intrigued by all kinds of music, marketing/public relations, fashion, and the arts. However, the ONE thing that I am most thrilled and eager about is my heartfelt passion for writing!

Here is one of my favorite quotes, "Without a pen I feel naked, but it's writing that is my exhibitionism."~Carrie Latet

Basically, without my pen I feel just as blank as a piece of notebook paper, but it's through my writing that i expose my 'nudity'...meaning I introduce myself! It's not often that I can look around and see my world consumed with what propels my passion. Sometimes it seems as if there are so many distractions and negative perceptions. But I choose to be positive and remain focused. I am extremely fond of those within my reach, and even the intangible, who have influenced my desire to write. Despite my enthusiasm, only God (and maybe a couple of my closest friends) know about my rollercoaster experience over the past few years. I went through a phase of written dehydration. It was as if my pen was parched and my desire to write had evaporated. Say and think whatever you'd like, but life's journey itself had me in such an odd location mentally. To be honest, it wasn't until recently (the past few months) that I gradually acquired a thirst to empty the expressions of my heart & mind via pen and paper. Although it is still a challenge at times, my determination WINS!!! I am propelled by passion, *my* passion. Not just writing, but everything that my heart desires...that is destined for me. I know that my purpose is greater than me, it transcends the limitations of thought. I will exceed in excellence, outdo my optimism, rise above my fears, and go beyond my potential. Yes, it's possible and it is so!

With Patience & Promise,


Monday, February 7, 2011


While listening to the relaxing vibrations of soundscapes, thoughts of serenity almost always immediately follow. Contrastly, evidence of my reality seems to trigger something in my heart. One of my biggest inspirations when it comes to writing is Maya Angelou. Her words pierce my soul, no exaggeration, I've never felt so infinitely influenced by a human being. For years I'd think my reason for feeling connected to her was solely based on our common craving to fill a blank piece of paper with a rainbow of colors. It wasn't until recently that I realized it's so much deeper than that. Maya Angelou's life, whether told in written form or shared verbally in her own words, is a picture of reality. Not just her reality, but mine as well. I'm not saying our lives mirror eachother, not verbatim. But even if it's mostly metaphorically, it's true indeed. 

I don't want to go against the first confession of the infamous speech of empowerment, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate." However, I have to be honest and say that, actually, that IS my deepest fear. Now, don't miscontrue my words or anything, I am in no way saying that I operate or live my life in fear. But what I am saying is that when I search deep within myself sometimes I find that I am afraid to a certain extent. When it comes to my writing, especially my poetry, I fear that I will be judged harshly by the world who reads it. It's my desire to be understood, relatable, and even a point of identical contact for someone else in the world who may be feeling the same way regarding what's written. I dare not say I'm afraid of success, because who'd be crazy enough to admit such a thing?! (yeah right)... Maybe not to you, but it makes a lot of sense to me. I'm reminded of something the Notorious BIG once said, "more money, more problems." I've never taken that at face value only. It's not just about the dollar, in my opinion, it has more to do with the obligation, accountability, and responsibility. Looking in the mirror of my heart I recognized that of course I desire to be successful, wealthy, and all the good things that come with the territory. So where's my dilemma? Where's the fear of being inadequate? It's more so in my mind than anywhere else. So a lot of times I find that my heart and my mind conflict. It's like a tug of war, if you will, a battle of the strongest will. 

In my heart I know that I am beyond capable to execute everything involving my purpose with excellence. It's possible. It's going to happen. I've made a conscious decision to look within and face "it" :: my "it" may be similar or different than yours, but they are all walls waiting to be conquered. It's a continual decision, a constant renewal. I have faith, I believe. And that far exceeds any level of fear. That's why I'm not only stepping out on this limb called life, I'm standing on that limb. I will remain standing, strongly planting my feet on each movement. My foundation is firm, and my roots are not removable. Time is of the essence. It is extremely essential. The time is now, right now! So...ready or not...HERE I COME!!!     

From my heart,
