Monday, August 3, 2009


Merriam-Webster defines these two words as such,
Tolerate = to put up with
Celebrate = to honor
Often times this particular question comes to mind whenever I'm faced with challenges pertaining to friendships and/or relationships at large. It seems to be an internal "pop-up", if you will, that can even be considered a rhetorical question. Think about many times have you heard the worn out cliche', (paraphrasing) "don't make someone your priority if you're only their option"...I don't know about you, but I've heard & read it one time too many. Nevertheless, it speaks volumes of what I would suggest to be a moral and/or standard we all should, at least, consider appropriate when necessary.
Let's go a little deeper - in life, in love, in achievements, in disappointments, and the list goes you want to be "put up with" or do you desire to be "honored"??? Hmm, ok...let's travel a little further - naturally, you may be thinking of course no one wants to only be "put up with"...but that's not necessarily true. A lot of people, knowlingly or subconsciously, are comfortable in a place called "complacency"...meaning it's ok because whatever happens, happens and ultimately develop an "i don't care" type of attitude. Contrastly, you have those folks who refuse to settle for less...determination serves their right hand while ambition is its counterpart. These are the people who choose to be 'celebrated', even if its by their own efforts. Being comfortable is just a term in reference to relaxation on the living room couch, not a permanent place in life. They're ever-evolving :-)
With that being said (wheww! I think I've said a lot lol), really ask yourself, am I tolerated or am I celebrated?! The's actually up to you!
Until Next Time...

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Now, being that i'm fairly new to the 'blog universe'... normally I would have an already put together "rough draft" of my thoughts. From the topic to the main point. However, when I woke up this morning 3 specific words were glued to my mind, "LIVE*LAUGH*LOVE." Pay attention closely because... you must understand that given the present 'circumstances' taking place in different areas of my life, oddly enough, I wouldn't expect those 3 particular words to stand out or represent my 'first thoughts of the day.'
So, as I began to explore the significance of these seemingly random thoughts, I came to a conclusion or two. First, I asked myself, "what does these 3 words have in common as it pertains to me?" {meanwhile, I was on the phone with a very close friend (who inspires me) during this entire ordeal :-)} It was like a weird epiphany of some sort::during the conversation, I was laughing and I suddenly realized that 'I am living'... and because I am living, that means I have the capability to 'love'... You may think, well of course we all are capable of 'love'... but it's a little more complex than that for me. That's another "note" for the next time you're visiting my neighborhood ;-)
Looking further into this personal point of discovery, I feel as though on a broader scale, if you're living... you should be laughing... and I believe that the most pure form of laughter comes from a place thats surrounded by love. I mean, think about it, the opposite of love is hate, right?! And where there's hate, I dont believe any laughter is on the agenda. It simply doesnt reside there. It's like these 3 words mesh so well together. One has the ability to stand on its own or co-exist without eachother, but what fun is it?! Contrastly, I know that beyond the 'surface' something of this calibur, simple by sound yet challenging by task, is easier said than done. I'm coming from the basis of a 'light note'... nothing too deep or complicated. Just think of what comes to mind when you FIRST think of the words, ""...
And on that note, I encourage everyone to... *LIVE (LONG).LAUGH (LOUD).LOVE (LIFE).*
Until next time...

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I'm new to "blogging"....but certainly familiar with my 'pen'....

P.3.N. Place is where you'll read all about what's on the heart & mind of "Purpos3lementNotes"...

Stay tuned... under construction right now... gearing up for a continual thought-provoking adventure! :-)