Monday, August 3, 2009


Merriam-Webster defines these two words as such,
Tolerate = to put up with
Celebrate = to honor
Often times this particular question comes to mind whenever I'm faced with challenges pertaining to friendships and/or relationships at large. It seems to be an internal "pop-up", if you will, that can even be considered a rhetorical question. Think about many times have you heard the worn out cliche', (paraphrasing) "don't make someone your priority if you're only their option"...I don't know about you, but I've heard & read it one time too many. Nevertheless, it speaks volumes of what I would suggest to be a moral and/or standard we all should, at least, consider appropriate when necessary.
Let's go a little deeper - in life, in love, in achievements, in disappointments, and the list goes you want to be "put up with" or do you desire to be "honored"??? Hmm, ok...let's travel a little further - naturally, you may be thinking of course no one wants to only be "put up with"...but that's not necessarily true. A lot of people, knowlingly or subconsciously, are comfortable in a place called "complacency"...meaning it's ok because whatever happens, happens and ultimately develop an "i don't care" type of attitude. Contrastly, you have those folks who refuse to settle for less...determination serves their right hand while ambition is its counterpart. These are the people who choose to be 'celebrated', even if its by their own efforts. Being comfortable is just a term in reference to relaxation on the living room couch, not a permanent place in life. They're ever-evolving :-)
With that being said (wheww! I think I've said a lot lol), really ask yourself, am I tolerated or am I celebrated?! The's actually up to you!
Until Next Time...


  1. I wud hope that I'm celebrated. Great breakdown. Every now and then Merriam and Webster need a voice to better articulate and explicate things:-) Luv it! Thanks for sharing!!!!!

  2. Hey! Just checked out your blog! Look forward to reading more! I have a blog but I have never let anyone read it. LOL. Too shy I guess. Anyway...Keep writing and keep encouraging folks. Lord knows that we need it in these days!
    ~Tamara aka @Trenee3<-LOL

  3. I am absolutely floored by this is okay to go through a season of toleration...we all needed someone to tolerate us while we got it together, found ourselves or rather allowed God to show us ourselves unto acceptance...but once we come into the knowledge of who we are, tolerating is no longer it's time to celebrate and if that can't be complied with then while I tolerate those ignorant of my worth for a moment, please note that this moment does expire and when it expires so does the one i'm

    just note how my tolerancy threshold held a expiration date when it was time to be tolerant but yet I never wanted one when it was me being tolerated...hmmm...something to think about huh....i know I'm thinking...

  4. Thanks for the feedback everyone....greatly appreciated!!!:-)

  5. ALRITE NOW.. I know this is not your most recent writing but KUDOS TO YOU!!! Keep it up!
